- Topics
Terms of Website Use
- All documents and images contained in this website (https://nedo-dress.jp/en/) are subject to copyright, and this website as a whole is also subject to copyright as a compilation. All or part of this website, which is subject to copyright, is protected by the Copyright Act and international treaties.
- The contents of this website may be quoted, reprinted, and reproduced in whole or in part as long as such actions are permitted under the Copyright Act for private use, quotation or other use, with clear indication of the source in an appropriate way. However, contents with the indication of any source other than NEDO shall be used in accordance with the terms and conditions provided by the copyright holder of the contents.
- Users who intend to reproduce any work contained in this website for commercial purposes are required to communicate with contact point in advance. Reproduction for commercial purposes means the sale etc. of any reproduced program work for the purpose of directly making profits.
- Alteration of all or part of this website without the permission is prohibited.
- Any translation is a tentative one. Therefore, please note that, in the event of any discrepancy between the Japanese original and the translation, the original shall prevail.
Linking to this website
- In principle, users are free to set links to this website as long as the source is clearly indicated as Drones and Robots for Ecologically Sustainable Societies Project website. However, users shall not set links to this website in any manner that makes the source of the content unclear (such as a frame link) or shall not set links to this website with any website that defames or slanders NEDO or that includes content which is deemed inappropriate in the context of common sense.
- NEDO does not guarantee the accuracy and assumes no responsibility for any of the activities users conduct using the information on this website.
- Please note that NEDO may change or delete the contents and URL of this website without notice.
Privacy Policy
Obtaining personal information
This website administrator may obtain personally identifiable information through services provided at this Website(https://www.nedo-dress.jp).
This website administrator will, when obtaining said information, clarify the purpose of use thereof and handle the information appropriately within the scope of that purpose.
The personal information of users, such as the following, is necessary to provide each of this Website’s services:
• Name and gender
• Name of organization
• Address and postal code
• Telephone and fax number
• E-mail address
• Other items indispensable for the provision of services
Scope of use of personal information
The personal information provided (or registered) by users will be used within the scope of the purpose of use specified in advance and will in no event be provided to any third party other than NEDO and this website administrator, except in cases where:
• provision thereof is required by laws and regulations;
• it should be disclosed to the public and NEDO obtains the consent of the user in question; or
• it is provided within the scope of the purpose of use to any business consignee which has entered into a confidentiality agreement.
Access log
This website keeps an access log including users' IP addresses (which do not identify individuals). This website administrator will not use the record for any purpose other than the statistical analysis of access figures and the like. The statistical analysis results will be used for understanding users' access trends and as a reference for the future operation of the Website.
Personal information management
This website will strictly manage the personal information obtained on the Website and take necessary measures to prevent risks such as loss, leakage, abuse, or falsification of or unauthorized access to the personal information.
Change of this privacy policy
This privacy policy is subject to change without prior notice. The revised privacy policy will be posted on this website.