- Successful demonstration tests of integrated traffic management functions connected at multiple sites
Successful demonstration tests of integrated traffic management functions connected at multiple sites
NEDO is working with NEC Corporation, NTT DATA Corporation, Hitachi, Ltd., and Weathernews Inc. on Drones and Robots for Ecologically Sustainable Societies project. We connected them from several sites from March 15 to March 18, 2021, and carried out a demonstration test of a integrated traffic management function.
Specifically, we connected drone-field KAWACHI and other devices to the integrated traffic management function provided in the traffic management system of the Fukushima Robot Test Field, and confirmed that the integrated traffic management function with enhanced functions work properly, such as improving the user interface function for businesses and upgrading the airspace management function.
Through this project, we will promote the development of integrated traffic management function that enable the integrated management of unmanned aircraft operations, thereby contributing to the realization of a society in which many unmanned aircrafts will fly safely and securely throughout the country in the future.
1. Overview
Unmanned aircrafts are expected to be used in a variety of fields in the future, including logistics and post, security, disaster surveys, inspections, investigation, and agricultural. However, in order to realize a social where unmanned aircrafts fly at high density, it is necessary to comprehend the flight plan and flight conditions of all aircrafts and manage unmanned aircraft operations in an integrated manner, such as by reliably avoiding collision and other dangers. In addition, in order to operate unmanned aircrafts safely, it is necessary to provide unmanned aircraft operators with weather and topographical information, as well as three-dimensional map information for buildings.
Against this backdrop, the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) is promoting the development of a traffic management system for the safe flight of unmanned aircraft from multiple businesses in the same airspace. In the past, the Fukushima Robot Test Field ※1 (Minami-Soma City, Fukushima Pref) has been equipped with a server that provides the integrated traffic management function in the General Control Room. While releasing the Application Programming Interface (API) ※2 of the traffic management system, we have conducted an interoperability test of the traffic management system ※3 in which ordinary drawn operators participated in the Fukushima Robot Test Field.
As part of these efforts, NEDO has been conducting R&D on functional expansion of the integrated traffic management function since FY2020 in order to realize stable coordination of traffic management system in several regions in anticipation of a nationwide social implementation of traffic management system. Together with NEC Corporation, NTT DATA Corporation, Hitachi, Ltd. and Weathernews Inc., NEDO conducted demonstration tests of the integrated traffic management function connected from multiple locations in anticipation of the social implementation of traffic management system for the safe flight of unmanned aircrafts from multiple operators in the same airspace.
Specifically, we connected the drone-field KAWACHI (Kawachi-cho, Inashiki-gun, Ibaraki Pref) to the integrated traffic management function installed in the traffic management system of the Fukushima Robot Test Field, and monitored the operation from the flight control function indication terminal installed in Tokyo, confirming that the functions such as improved user interface function and enhanced airspace management function for businesses operate normally.
Through this demonstration test, NEDO will integratedly manage numerous unmanned aircraft operations, which are expected to play an active role in various fields in the future, and contribute to the environmental improvement of a social where unmanned aircrafts fly safely and securely throughout the country.
2. Details of verification test
3. Concrete verification contents of the project implementer
In this verification test, the details of the specific verification by each operator are as follows.
For more information on the verification tests of individual carriers, refer to the appendix (only in Japanese).
In addition, NEDO Formula YouTube "NEDO Channel will disclose the status of verification tests.
NEDO Channel: Demonstration of Unmanned Aircraft Integrated Traffic Management Function-Fukushima RTF to National
4. Future Plans
NEDO, together with NEC Corporation, NTT DATA Corporation, Hitachi, Ltd., and WeatherNews Inc., will conduct interconnection tests utilizing APIs of the traffic management system until February 2022 to continue functional expansion verification of the integrated traffic management function. In conjunction with the demonstration project for the traffic management system ※5 that can be used in a real environment, we will perform technical validation in a real environment assuming the use of an unmanned aircraft.
5. Inquiries
(Inquiries about the contents of this news release)
NEDO Robot & AI Department: Mori, Nishimura TEL: 044-520-5244
(Common inquiries about NEDO business)
NEDO Public Relations Department: Sakamoto TEL: 044-520-5151 E-mail: nedo_press@ml.nedo.go.jp